Bullying and Harassment Prohibited
It is the policy of the Seminole County School Board that all of its students, volunteers, and school district level employees have an educational setting that is safe, secure and free from harassment and bullying of any kind. The School Board will not tolerate bullying and harassment of any type. Conduct that constitutes bullying and harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited.
To lessen the effectsof bullying in our schools, the District seeks to apply a holistic approach which involves every member of the school community. Administration, faculty, staff, bus drivers, parents, and especially the students all play a critical role in creating an atmosphere free from worry and conducive to academic success. These roles are played out in several programmatic and procedural recommendations that together will provide schools with a comprehensive plan of attack. While piece-meal approaches may achieve moderate results, schools which incorporate the holistic approach in its entirety will experience the most success in reducing bullying.
Support for this policy is provided throughout each school year through:
Administrator and Staff Training
School-wide Curriculum & Policies
School-wide and Classroom-Level Prevention
Awareness Activities at every school
Parent and Community Involvement
Community Partnerships
Click here for Seminole County Public Schools Bullying Policy
Click here for theSpeak Out Hotline
Click here for Bullying Information from the Florida Department of Education